Vidushi Anitha Guha

Visiting Faculty, Department of Bharatanatyam

UofSA is proud to welcome Vidushi Anitha Guha as Distinugished Honarary Visiting Professor in The Department of Bharata Natyam. Anitha Guha has carved a niche for herself with several, much lauded mythological Nrithya Natakams and thematic dance productions. A cast of young students with fine dancing technique, a dramatic atmosphere and remarkable choreography have made her productions unique, appealing, and inspiring to one and all. Her passion to teach youngsters led Anitha to establish Bharathanjali in the year 1989. She is a pioneer in moulding very young children to professional standards. Many of her students have blossomed into solo performers, teachers and have been performing and teaching in India and abroad.

She has more than 25 Nritya Natakams to her credit from Annmacharya to Mahabharta, Sri krishnaleela madhuryam to Sarvam Shakthi Mayam Jaghath and Sita Kalyanam. She is a recipient of many prestigious Awards at state, national and international levels.

Her rich experience in Nritya Natakams and sculpturous choreography will benefit UofSA Bharata Natyam Department.

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