Course Aim
The contents of the course include the basics of grammar, namely the declensions, conjugations and combinations. Also included is the poetry and prose.
Bhartṛhari’s Nītiśataka & Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṃśa form the poetic element while Viṣṇuśarmā’s Pañcatantram forms the prose element.
Course Objectives
The main objective of this bridge program is to initiate students into Sanskrit, the ancient language of wisdom. This course covers fundamental elements of the language such as declensions of some primary Nouns and Conjugations of Verbs along with selections from treatises of great poets with a view to interest the beginners and encourage them to go for the knowledge contained in Sanskrit.
The study of basic grammar will help the students understand and appreciate the original texts of bhartṛhari, kālidāsa and pañcatantra. The study of declensions will enable the students understand the changes in Noun forms in various endings and genders.
The study of combinations will help the students understand the changes he study of conjugations will help the students understand the changes a Verb undergoes in various tenses, persons and numbers.
a Vowel undergoes in combination with other Vowels.
Learning Outcomes
The students would have a strong foundation of Sanskrit basic grammar to learn and appreciate the beauty of the language and would benefit from its rich wisdom. It is hoped that they would be ready to take on the Certificate course with confidence.
Duration: 15 Weeks – 180 minutes 90 (Sync) + 90 (Async)/Week
Course Fees: $900
Certificate: Students will receive certificate of completion.
Classes: Every Tuesday starting from 28th January, 2025 6 PM (PST)
Course Outline
R.V.R. Krishna Sastry, Ph.D
R.V.R. Krishna Sastry, Ph.D., is a traditional scholar in Sanskrit grammar, with 45 years of teaching experience, published 12 books in Sanskrit and Telugu, attended National and International seminars and conferences. He mentored and served as a guide to16 M.Phil. and 10 Ph.D. students. His specialized areas are Sanskrit grammar and Literature, Telugu Grammar and Classical Literature.
Enrichment Courses
- Devotional Music
- Introduction to Hindustani Music
- Fundamentals of Sanskrit Grammar
- Understanding and Appreciating Sanskrit Slokas
- Introduction to Play Writing (Telugu)
- Introduction to Harikatha(Telugu)
- Introduction to Nattuvangam
- Introduction to Indian Knowledge Systems
- Viduraneeti - A Roadmap to Success in Corporate World
- Ayurveda for Wellness and Prevention
- Foundation of Yoga
- Introduction to Burrakatha(Telugu)
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
- Medical Terminology-1
- Introduction to Acting
- Introduction to Mime
- Creative writing : Metrical and Lyrical Poetry (Padyam and Geyam) (Telugu)
- Creative Writing - Short Story & Novel (Telugu)
- An Approach to Indian Philosophy from Worldy Perspective