Usha Rani Sanka, Ph. D.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Sanskrit Language
Dr. Usha Rani Sanka is trained in Vyakarana Shastra and Sahitya Shastra by renowned scholars. She
completed MA in Sanskrit literature, in addition to PG degrees in English and Psychology. Having
continued with Acharya (Vyakarana) at the National Samskrta University, Tirupati (formerly Rashtriya
Sanskrit Vidyapeetha), she earned her Ph.D. in the subject of Vyakarana Shabdabodha and Natural
Language Processing (NLP) from the same institution. She chose Samskrta prachara and teaching as life-
time endeavour by guidance of her gurudeva.
Having started teaching Samskrtam in 2003, she has worked as Samskrta lecturer in Pre university
college and degree college; has coached and taught language to many people through private lessons
along with online teaching. With equal proficiency in Sanskrit, Hindi, English and Telugu, Dr. Sanka has
been engaged in extensive writing work, in all known languages in various media. She uses her hobbies
of Music, Creative literature also for Samskrtam cause.