Course Aim
Welcome to “Understanding and Appreciating Sanskrit Sloka”, a journey into the world of ancient Indian wisdom. Sanskrit slokas, or verses, hold the key to unlocking the secrets of India’s rich cultural heritage. This course aims to demystify the language and reveal the depths of Sanskrit literature, enabling participants to appreciate its beauty, significance, and relevance.
To empower participants with a comprehensive understanding and deep appreciation of Sanskrit slokas, enabling them to: “Unlock the Wisdom and Beauty of Sanskrit Literature”
Course Objectives
- Decode Sanskrit Texts: Read and understand Sanskrit slokas with accuracy, recognizing various scripts and fonts.
- Unravel Literary Significance: Analyze the cultural, historical, and philosophical context of Sanskrit literature.
- Appreciate Poetic Beauty: Recognize and interpret the literary devices, metaphors, and allegories used in Sanskrit poetry.
- Explore Mythological Context: Understand the mythological and symbolic references in Sanskrit slokas.
- Integrate Spiritual Insights: Apply the wisdom and values from Sanskrit literature to everyday life.
- Recite and Chant with Confidence: Recite and chant Sanskrit slokas correctly, with emphasis on pronunciation and intonation.
Learning Outcomes
Duration: 15 Weeks – 90 Mins/Week
Course Fees: $450
Certificate: Students will receive certificate of completion. Students enrolled in “For CREDIT’ will also receive TRANSCRIPT.
Classes: Every Tuesday starting from 28th January, 2025 6PM (PST)
Course Outline
Unit I
Week 1. Distinguishing Between Sanskrit Prose and Poetry
Week 2. Preliminaries of Sloka composition
Week 3. Different Metrical types of writing
Unit II
Week 4. Certain Gana vrittas
Week 5. Arya Vrittas
Week 6. Vishama and Artha sama Vrittas
Unit III
Week 7. Essentials of Sandhi System
Week 8. Exercises for combining sounds and words
Week 9. Exercises for seperating sounds and words
Unit IV
Week 10. Declensions and Indeclinables
Week 11. Compounding stem systems
Week 12. Secondary Derivatives from Stem – introduction
Unit V
Week 13. Conjugations
Week 14. Secondary Derivatives from Verbal Roots
Week 15. Syntactical features
Dr. Anupama Ryali
Adjunct Professor
Dr. Anupama Ryali is a professor in Sanskrit and has a good length of teaching and research experience in the Sanskrit language for more than 20 years. Her specialization is Ancient and Modern Sanskrit Literature, Aesthetics, and Linguistics. She is a research guide to the Ph.D. scholars and PG students where many are awarded and pursuing.
She is expertise in designing and developing various programs, syllabi and e-content. She is a member and chairperson of various committees and Board of Studies in many educational
She has a good number of worthy publications of the books, e-readers, book chapters, research papers, articles of inter-disciplinary subjects published in reputed and peer-reviewed national and international research journals and conference proceedings.
She got experience of working in various projects on the epics like Rāmāyaṇa, Mahābhārata and the Bhāgavatapurāṇa, She worked as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow-U.G.C., in the department of Sanskrit Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, where she developed a Sanskrit e-text of Śiśupālavadha of
Māgha (Pūrvārdha), which is available at
She pursued her doctorate in Sanskrit Sahitya on the topic “bṛhattrayyām trivraga samālochanam,” under the guidance of Prof. Rani Sadasivamurthy, at R.S.Vidyapeetha, Tirupathi, during the period 2003-2005.
As a Sanskrit Scholar, she always has a quest for Sanskrit and inter-disciplinary research and teaching. She would always like to extend all her strength and energy in the field of Sanskrit, as a field expert, in paving a way to have easy and comfortable access for appreciation of the Indian literary legacy.
Enrichment Courses
- Devotional Music
- Introduction to Hindustani Music
- Fundamentals of Sanskrit Grammar
- Understanding and Appreciating Sanskrit Slokas
- Introduction to Play Writing
- Introduction to Harikatha(Telugu)
- Introduction to Nattuvangam
- Introduction to Indian Knowledge Systems
- Viduraneeti - A Roadmap to Success in Corporate World
- Ayurveda for Wellness and Prevention