Golla Kalapam

Course Aim

This course provides a comprehensive exploration of the evolution of dance in the Andhra region across different periods. It delves into the intricacies of NaṭṭuvaMeḷaṁ (Devadasi dance within temples and Rajanarthaki at royal courts), Nāṭyameḷaṁ which evolved into Bhāgavatamēḷaṁ during the Bhakti Movement, and the contributions of Kuchipudi Bhāgavatulu to this art form. The course offers an in-depth study of Kalapas, the foundational elements of Kuchipudi dance tradition, highlighting their distinctive characteristics and the influence of Veṣa Kathas on these Kalapas.

“Gollakalapam” is a dance drama that delves into philosophical dialogues between two characters, Gollabhama (a milkmaid) and Vipra (a Brahman scholar), centered around two themes: “Pindotpathi” and “Yajnapattu”. In the 19th century, while science was beginning to unravel the secrets of birth such as embryology, chromosomes, sex determination, and the menstrual cycle, these topics were already detailed in Hindu Vedic texts. Inspired by this ancient wisdom, a Brahman Kuchipudi scholar and teacher from the remote village of Kuchipudi in Andhra Pradesh decided to explore these elements and present them in the form of Kalapam. This artistic endeavor aimed not only to entertain but also to educate the common people.


 The course “GOLLAKALAPAM,” adapted from Bhagavatula Ramayya’s script, focuses primarily on exploring the “PIṆḌOTPATHI” segment and offering an overview of the Yajňapaṭṭu (sacrificial ritual). Emphasizing practical performance, students will engage deeply in Vācikābhinaya (dialogues) , the core of Kuchipudi Kalapas. Instruction includes the practice of delivering dialogues and poetry in Telugu, supplemented with English translations to aid comprehension and learning for non-Telugu speakers.

Course Objectives

1. Exploring diverse theatrical art forms within the Kuchipudi performance tradition.

2. Summarizing the influence of indigenous performing traditions on Kuchipudi, reflecting socio-cultural conditions of the 19th and 20th centuries.

3. Identifying narratives from Indian epics and history used as storylines in these performing traditions.

4. Incorporating bodily expressions outlined in the old traditional teaching.

5. Practicing Kuchipudi movement vocabulary and understanding its application in traditional choreography, including deciphering embedded rhythmic patterns.

6. Developing proficiency in delivering dialogues in Telugu and moderate singing abilities.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, students will gain a profound understanding of the ancient tradition of presenting Kuchipudi Gollakalapam. They will:

  • Gain insight into the profound Hindu philosophy of Advaitha Siddhanta. 

  • Differentiate between Lokadharmi and Natyadharmi approaches in portraying characters within Kuchipudi Kalapas.

  • Internalize the theory of chandass as applied in Kalapa literature, interpreting it according to various situations and literary contexts.  

  • Learn to conceptualize and perform expressive dance pieces, incorporating dialogues and padyams (poems) based on literature.

  • Integrate Yakshagana music theory and apply it to performing both Kuchipudi Kalapas and Yakshagana.

Duration: 15 Weeks – 90 Mins/Week

Course Fees: $450

Certificate: Students will receive certificate of completion.

Course Outline


Dr. Rama Devi Professor

Dr. P. Ramadevi, senior Kuchipudi Dance exponent, persuade her doctorate in Kuchipudi dance on “COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CHATHURVIDHA ABHINAYAS BETWEEN KATHAKALI AND KUCHIPUDI YAKSHAGANAS from Potti Sreeramulu TELUGU UNIVERSITY IN 2010. She established her institution Sri Sai Nataraja Academy of Kuchipudi Dance in 1989. For the last 30 years she has been teaching dance and training students to appear for certificate and diploma courses. She has authored 6 books on dance and designed a CD on Natyasastra which covers all the topics in a power point presentation. She has choreographed 28 ballets, and 8 are penned by herself. She has written many articles and presented papers on various topics in many seminars at National and International levels. She is the recipient of Kerala Sangeeta Natak Academy’s Kalasree award, KEERTHI PURASKARAM from Telugu University, Jayadev Samman Puraskar, Natyakalai chudar, Naatyasri , Panorama of dance and many others. She has performed in many festivals in India and in USA

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