Creative writing : Metrical and Lyrical Poetry (Padyam and Geyam) (Telugu)

Course Aim

This course aims to introduce beginners as well as those already engaged in basic creative writing to the principles and practices of creative writing such as Classical Poetry (Padyam) and Lyrical Poetry (Geyam). Through hands-on exercises, the student will be able to hone his Composing skills to create a work of art in both. The student will learn the necessary vocabulary and expand his/her rhetoric ability to create Poems. The student will also hone his critical abilities in forming a world view  about all aspects of life and learn how to turn them into a Poem or a Lyric. 

Course Objectives

  • To provide students with the basic tools and techniques of creative writing, especially Tranditional Meters both Sanskrit and Telugu like Utpalamala, Champakamala, Sardoolam and Mattebham and Ataveldi, Tetageethi, Kandam and Seesam Etc.  
  • To help students develop confidence and gain insights into the use of language.
  • To explore the creative and critical abilities of the students in creating a work of their own on par with great writers.. 
  • To prepare students in creating a world of Classical Poetry for a wide and varied readership

Learning Outcomes

Fundamental Questions in the Creative Writing
  • What steps are involved in the process of creative writing?
  • What responsibilities does a Poet have to his readers and the society?
  • What does it truly mean to pursue an objective and engage in action as a creative writer?

By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • Understand the basic principles of Padyam and Geyam.
  • Understand the Structure of padyam and recitation Skills.
  • Understand the Grammar of Classical Language.
  • Develop their creative voice, and apply techniques to craft compelling different meters.
  • Understand the variety of ways in which to present a subject in the form of a Padyam or Geyam.
  • Develop their own style and linguistic skills in descriptions, Case and karaka of Classical language and rhetorics.*
  • By the end of the lesson, students will create Poetry in Classical Meters. 

Duration: 15 Weeks – 90 Mins/Week

Course Fees: $450

Certificate: Students will receive certificate of completion. Students enrolled in “For CREDIT’ will also receive TRANSCRIPT.

Classes: Every Thursday, 30th January, 2025 6PM (PST)

Course Outline

Week 1: Introduction to Metrical Poetry
Week 2: Different Chandas
Week 3: Different Yatis and Prasas
Week 4: Structure of Classical Language
Week 5: Gunas and Doshas
Week 6: Theme and Alankaras
Week 7: Writing the First Poem/Geyam
Week 8: Structure in poems
Week 9: Use of Language and grammar
Week 10: Revision Techniques
Week 11: Writing for Your Readers
Week 12: Conflict and Resolution
Week 13: Literary Devices
Week 14: Polishing and Editing
Week 15: Forming a Small Khandika


Dr. Addanki Srinivas 


Dr. Addanki Srinivas is an expert in writing Classical poems(padyam) and Geyas in both Telugu and Sanskrit. Hundreds of his works have been published in various magazines. He has written over a thousand poems (Padyams) and has also published four Classical poetry anthologies. Many of his Geyas have been sung by various artists in broadcast media, and they are available on YouTube. Writing poetry requires a strong command of grammar, metrics, and the science of poetics, and Srinivas holds a Ph.D. in these subjects. He can expertly follow the styles of ancient poets, replicating their poetic craftsmanship to create verses just like them. He has delivered many speeches and has written commentaries on thousands of poems, which have been published in nearly 20 books. For his research on ancient literature, he received the President’s Award and has been honored with titles such as ‘Kaviratna.’ and Navabharata Ratna.

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